Team Praxis

The Meaning of PRAXIS is best defined by Wikipedia:

Praxis is the process by which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, embodied, or realised. "Praxis" may also refer to the act of engaging, applying, exercising, realizing, or practicing ideas.


There has always been a lot of theories and ideas on a lot of subjects pertaining to success, whether it be oriented towards financial gain, health/ aesthetic, work, etc. But the majority of us either know of them and don't apply it, or don't know about them at all.

Team Praxis is a community whose purpose is to identify these ideas and theories and help each member towards the actualization of their life goals by the practical application of these tools.


We seek to empower the people and help them lead healthier, successful and fulfilled lives.


We aim to be the Largest and Top Community in the Country that has empowered the most number of healthy, successful and fulfilled individuals, all seeking to serve for the Greater Good of All.


Team Praxis was founded by Tony Agudo. A Direct Selling Professional in late 2014. Its inception is the accumulation and "gelling" of his thoughts, ideas, experiences and introspection into his own journey towards his own goals and dreams.

Our Logo

The main components of our logo are the shield and the wings. 

The shield signifies "protection". It means being prepared for future concerns. 

The wings means "Freedom". The freedom to live life on one's own terms. 

About Tony

I've always been a seeker. I've always wanted to help people. Being a voracious reader/researcher, I had a lot of clutter in my head, so my personal journey was circuitous. I've been involved in many businesses and have been exposed to a lot of things in life, both good and better. I resolved not to call them "bad", because as I look back, a lot of these "bad" experiences have led me to some of the greatest and most mind-changing events in my life. I wouldn't be who I am now without them.